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Options. Combinations. Custom designs. Being unique. Who doesn’t like getting exactly what they want? ELITE™ Enhanced Polyethylene (EPE) Resins bring that excitement to plastics. That’s right, we used the words excitement and resins in the same sentence.
Distinctive property combinations
For nearly 20 years, ELITE™ EPE Resins have brought distinctive combinations of properties to formulations for flexible plastic packaging. Functionalities typically not found together in a single resin are possible with ELITE™ EPE Resins. And not just one or two. The breakthrough science behind ELITE™ resins make dialing in precise performance properties possible:
Exactly what you want
It’s simple. With ELITE™ resins, desired and diverse specific properties are easily available in a single product. Need the dart impact strength of a polyolefin plastomer with the modulus of LLDPE? Want the stiffness of an LLDPE with the low HSIT of an EVA copolymer? These and other elusive performance combinations are within reach – for all sorts of applications:
ELITE™ EPE Resins can even be found in select rigid plastic uses, such as rotational molding and durable goods.